I can show you the {Disney} World*

I can show you the {Disney} World*

Disney is everywhere. Internet, television, social media, and pretty much any where else you can think of.

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Credit for cover photo and above image: Google Disney

A person who is curious about what Disney means or does can easily google to see that they encompass many avenues: vacations, including their own theme parks; television shows and movies; and the history that started it all and inspires people today.

Today, the Disney brand can be seen from Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and many other forms of social media. Marketing personnel in the company use Instagram to promote a new movie, “Zootopia”, with a shout-out to a parenting account that posted a picture using #LunchboxLove. These small interactions seem to make the Disney brand friendly and lovable, not a large, scary corporation.

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Credit: Disney Instagram

In some ways, the vastness of the brand is overwhelming. Consolidating all media accounts and images of the one company is hard for viewers. On the official Disney website, every avenue is clearly outlined. Something that could change the way consumers see Disney’s brand cohesion is linking media accounts, finding ways for consumers to clearly see the connection between each Disney program.